How is this going to work?

People have asked us, what will the curriculum look like at Kateri? We have put together a working curriculum which we’ll post soon but the following is what we envision generally.

The first two years will follow a core curriculum in traditional liberal arts courses – theology, philosophy, history, literature, mathematics and the sciences. However, as part of the curriculum and community life of the college, every student will participate in the fall and spring in a week-long community work project enabling them to gain practical, hands-on experience in trade fields such as construction, electrical work, plumbing work, masonry, culinary and or brewing work. Such practical service work will allow students the experience necessary to discern what type of specific trade God has created them with the gifts to do well and to enjoy. These service weeks will also provide credit hours toward the bachelors’ degree.

A student will declare a “major” in their third year but this major will be a specific trade skills track. During years three and four, as one would focus on courses within one’s major, so at Kateri will a student focus on courses within their trade track. Alongside the training courses, a student will continue to take a more limited number of academic courses and continue participating in the week-long service projects. In year four, each graduating senior will participate in a capstone project under the direction of a master tradesman in their particular area.

After four years, a student will have taken over 120 hours of course instruction, roughly 60 in the liberal arts and 60 in the practical arts. But, these two sides of learning are to be integrated fully such that they are never in competition or contradiction with each other.

This is a new venture and while we hope to be able to be accredited by one of the national accrediting agencies, we also acknowledge that path to accreditation could be a challenging one. However, accredited or not, the education the college will offer will be transformative for any young man or woman who goes through the program.